Tag / Quick game

KUGO - Quickdraw game


Objective In Quickdraw, each player uses three pucks to score as many points as possible by landing pucks in various scoring zones. However, there’s a twist: players may choose to flick black pucks using their non-dominant hand for double points—and now, both players will “draw” at the same time. You can even earn a bonus Quickdraw!

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10 pin flick - a flick game created with KUGO

10 Pin Kugo

The Setup Place your skittles in a 10 point triangle at one end of your playing area.Decide the distance away from the skittles based on your skills level. Place two goals to mark the starting point (shown in the diagram above). That’s it, get flicking! The game Each player has two turns to knock down 10 Pin Kugo

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